Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jamaican vacation

Had a perfectly lovely company vacation to relieve my broken heart. Lucky for me, there were a few gingers on my trip. While I had been anticipating hooking up with the ginger on my sales team, I decided at the time that it was not worth the trouble. Not to mention, he was wasty-face. Leave it to my friend Mickey to push me in another direction. And by that I mean, she put her hand on my back and physically shoved me into the arms of a ginger from her sales team. At first, I was a little embarrassed. He's kind of nerdy and a very bad dancer. But then I realized that he's awesome because he really doesn't care what other people think. So I let him walk me back to my room and kiss me at the end of the night. Now the next night was another story ;) Let's just not dismiss gingers at first glance. They may possess certain skills that will make you a very happy girl.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Being Ginger is finally here!!!

Finally! I've been talking about this movie for over a year now I think...and it is finally coming to the States!  There will be screenings all across the country.  Please go see it.  Support Scott (the film's creator/star) and gingers everywhere!!!!

Friday, January 03, 2014

Back in the Hunt

So it turns out that semi-ginger just isn't good enough for me.  I need a full-on ginger.  Watch out, boys....I'm back on the market!