Tuesday, August 07, 2012

A little "help" from my friends

By now, all of my close friends are quite aware of my affinity for gingers.  I put with a lot of good-natured teasing on the subject, and they are constantly in awe of my ability to pick out gingers from a crowd of people.  Lately, they have taken to sending me photos taken with their cell phones and other ginger-related items that they find.  Here are a few of my favorites:

From my roommate Meagan:
Spotted in Florida: the only other person in the grocery store under 70 is a ginger!

From my friend Lucy and starring my friends Kate and Anna during a night out without me:
Find the ginger:


Find ginger.

Can you see the ginge?

Ginger finale:

And again from my friend Lucy:

Gotta love my friends and all their "help"   :)